Tuesday, April 22, 2003

hahahokay today..[tuesday] for all of you who are keeping track..well i woke up late cause im stupid..but yeah..i was like crap..i have to go to my doctor's appt and drop off antony's back pack cause he has school..hehe sucker..but yeah..i was hecka struggling to get my leotard and jazz pants on to leave the house so i grabbed my stuff and left..so im driving and i dont even know what i look like..my hair is everywhere and i have a leotard on for heavens sake..im like..tight..hella people are gonna see me..so im like who cares..so i drop off his backpack give him a hug then i have to leave..but as i was driving..i realized i didnt have to ..cause i still had like 45 min..so i was retarded and i sat in my car in the parking lot talking to tiffany..heheh..i told her i was at peds today..not the teen clinic..and she said..oh this is for your asthma..not your pregnancy..haha..its this big joke because im such a prude and all my friends joke that i'll probably cry if i have to have sex and whatnot..theyre mean..well i guess its true..i dont really hang out with guys a lot..so im not exposed to the vulgarity and stuff like other girls..im ULTRA CONSERVATIVE GIRL! hahaha im also immature..but whatever..so yeah the joke it that i'm probably never gonna get prenant because im the most unlikely person to even do that.heheh..but yeah so thats the joke..i swear im not a slut..dude im not..ask anyone..so yeah i go into the doctors office and shes asking all the "sex" questions..and she was like are you sexually active..and i was hella like..no..then she said..have you ever had sex..and i was like..isnt this hella redundant? so im like..no..and she was all surprised and was like really? you know i cant tell you parents..this is confidential..(like that was gonna change my answer??) so she asked again..have you ever had sex before..and i was like no..and she was like..wow im surprised..and i was like. WAS I SUPPOSED TO SAY YES?????? and she was like..no im impressed and surprised..its a compliment..and the whole time im thinking..you sluts who make nice doctors think that all 17 year told girls have sex..so im like..why are you surprised and impressed? its no big thing..i mean..i have school and other things id rather be doing than guys..heheh..and was she surprised because what? cause i look like i would not be a virgin? im like nice..so anyways thats ended and stuff..and we have to do a weight and height check up etc. so i get weighed..and i hella lost like 8lbs from last month..wow..that was weird..and im still 5'4.5" ehehe..i feel like im not growing anymore..hehe..then i left..then i still had like 47318 hours to go..so i went to get gas the go to tiffany's..but then i was tired and hungry and didnt feel like going to rehersal so i stayed there and we made our notebook and played sponge bob the board game and beat her!! so i win..then we watched gabe play zelda and then we watched rat race..haha i love that movie..then i went home and took a nap..then we planned the "thing" for tomorrow..hehe i hope nicole comes home soon..hehehe..okay..well..more later..


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