Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Hey well today was o so? Well lets just say wild goose chases form the subconscious mind are very fun! Well only for yeah this morning nicole called and she was like im back..and I was like..yay finally! But we couldnt do the whole breakfast thing cause no one could go out or wanted to go out cept nicole and I got ready..dropped my sister off at my aunt's house and went to nicoles..but not before I woke up jaena and her friend nye..who were sleeping in my cousin beetsa-heeya's room..hehe I jumped on the bed and was like..wakey wakey jaena bo baena! Hehehe then they got mad at me and were like shut up rin a tin..and yes so.. Thats all for the on my way to ncole's house I talked to tiffy who was mad at me..cause I suck..YENNO THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS.i dont even know why I try because friends are supposed to be more important and I neglected her because im stupid and she wouldnt tell me why she was I was like..okay..then I drove to nicoles..but not before being a stalker and calling antony..and im pretty sure brunch is what time I called..but anyways..i went to nicoles and she wasnt even ready..she hadn't even taken a shower so I went online and she took a shower..hehe and I was harassing people..but then she finished and was running around in her robe..and I was like AAAAHHH NICOLE!! COVER UP YOU FOOL!! Hehe my poor innocent eyes..but yeah then no one wanted to go out so nicole and I visited krystle..yaya shes back and I told her EVERYTHING! By the the second..hehe and that took up like 5798432 hours..then we looked at pictures..and then went to tiffany's house to go and play there and get the notebook..but she was still mad at me and I didnt know why..then I found out..then I remembered that im stupid..then she made me cry..then I moped..and wallowed..then I cried more..and then I went to sleep in her room..and just stayed there and then some guy drove in and was talking to tiffs dad about fixing their car or something..then we went to go eat at taco bravo..which was HUGE dude I hecka couldnt finish it..then after I ate at lease 3/4 of the soft taco my heart hurt cause I havent been eating meat..and there was lot of it in that taco..i swear I was this is what a heart attack feels like..hehe and it didnt help that we were walking so weak..hahaha I probabaly couldnt even swim a warm up..thats sad..but yeah as we were walking home tiffany was walking in front of nicole and I and we were pretending to be the worst kidnappers ever..we were like..little girl..littlr your mom named mom? I know her!! She told me to pick you up! Yeah she said you can come with you like puppies? Cause mine is me find him please! I have candy too! Hello little like candy? You know sponge bob? I know him too!! Hes my friend..i know him..he's cool..want to go and come with us to play with him? We'll take you to like cartoons? Hehe we would be so the worst kidnappers EVER!! IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND!! Hehe. But it was then we left and tiffs dad was like tiffany's not going with you? And we were like no..and he said..okay i'll put her to work..and I said..she likes the heavy lifting..heheh..what a fun day..soon to be better tomorrow cause hopefully all of the club can be there..but im not sure nicole and her male club counterpart are doing too well..yeah then me and nicole went driving around and went to tapioca express and I was like telling her all about my messed up life..but then it got I left..and now im home..and its all over..tomorrow is another day..hopefully I wont have to relive every crappy day iv'e ever had with him or by myself..cause those are ouch a hurt..but to be hella morbid or yeah..thats about more tomorrow..


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