Tuesday, April 22, 2003

okay so heres what happened yesterday: TITE DOGG YO!! -kenny the master holler-er
we hella coulndt figure out what to do cause it was raining..tiffany and i had planned this day for weeks. but obviously not all things work out..damn rain..i was looking forward to swimming..hahaha..but yeah oh well..so we decided on finally watching a movie at my house. which was great..cause my house was as messy as my room..and I ONLY HAD 4 HOURS TO CLEAN..HAHAHA...but i eventually cleaned..and it got sunny..so after i did all the cleaning i took a shower and it was still sunny..so i decided to wear shorts..but i knew it would get cold so i brought my swimming windbreakers and a sweater..but the instant i walked outside to pick up my little sister for her orthodontist appt it rained..so i put the pants on over my shorts and the sweater on..now i looked like a grade A scrubbish lazy person..i didnt even feel like blow drying my hair..so i went to pick them up so they could go with me to rent a movie and buy soda etc..cause we're hella not drinking soda in my house anymore. so yeah..i hella cant go anywhere without people im in need of people's attention..*sigh* middle child syndrome..maybe i'll write a critical essay about it using case studies and surveys etc etc im sure psychological profiling of the differences in personality traits between siblings of other ranks will be avaliable to base much of my analysis on...hehe im such a nerd..look at me im helluva nerd..but yeah okay so i had to pretend to be my sister and get the movie which was botched cause my little sister called my christine in front of the guy..i was like YOU LOSER YOURE SO NOT GONNA GET ROBIN EGGS..she loves those..so yeah we get all the stuff and im sick..my stomach hurts and im dizzy and i drop them off and get my sister home so she can brush her teeth...so tiffany calls..she wont be able to make it yet so i have to go and pick up antony..so im like okay..and i have to use my sister's car heheh..but yeah so i go and pass by his school and mary ann and i are like..dude hellza like dude..these people are hella ghetto..hahah it was so funny..we looked at eachother and were like..yeah..tite..im gonna get beat up...i'll bet they can feel my catholic private school essence dripping off of me..heheh..so i pass by him and i see him and he makes eye contact and i almost run over 5 people jay walking..but he still doesnt come over..so now im like..argh..maryann roll down your window and scream out his name..so she did..and he still didnt hear..so im sick and not feeling well and im like fine..do i really have to get out..fine..so i park on the side..and i go out and start walking towards him..and the ghetto fool is wearing a beanie of course..i wasnt complaining cause i think he looks cute in one..but yeah i was like..dude..youre so not ghetto..haha but yeah so we go in the car and he gets shot gun cause i dunno..and so im like we have to take maryann to the ortho..and hes like okay..then the fun began..im pretty sure it was gang up on teeny ride in the car..cause they threw candy at me and created an alliance against me..i was like..im sick..and im driving..etc..etc..so yeah..we drop her off and wait in the car..and all this time im still dying..then i make up some generic conversation crap cause im so good at being boring and NOT HAVING GOOD CONVERSATIONS..HEHEH..but yeah..so then we go home..but before that i trick tiffany and stall going home..then i get home and we watch the movie..well we didnt really watch..we just made comments about it..i like that movie..its hella scary..then i went to walmart..and as i was walking in some cart guywas hella smiling at me..and i was like tight..in front of my little sister..then as i was leaving he blocked my car nd started smiling as i passed and maryann was like wow christine shopping cart boy and antony..you have boys everywhere..eerr..nice..i taught her well..and then maryann said you know what would suck christine? i antony didnt like you..and i was like ouch..youre mean..and then i laughed..then when i got home mandy came over..we watched it again and we watched mr personality..that show is STOOPID..hehe..then i went to sleep..but not before i hella wrote my older sister..who by the way is 21 and in college at a private university...made me write a 2 page essay on hinduism for her sacred quest class..im so good..haha no..but thats it..that was my day..oh yeah then antony left his backpack in my sisters car and i had to drop it off today..hehe..YAY KRYSTLE COMES HOME TONIGHT!!


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