Monday, February 14, 2005

Amor vincit omnia

"Absence is to love what wind is to fire: it extinguishes the small and enkindles the great"
i got that one from alyze. i am so still waiting for my ode alyze!! hahaha but anyways yeah..lovely lovely quote. so basically if you're crying and moaning and groanin cause your boyfriend lives like 5 minutes're sad. alyze and wow..he live in new york. anyone who can barely stand to be away form them for like..i dunno a whole entire break is majorly asking to be called a cling-on. but i dunno anyone like that so good job ladies!!
btw..sufering from major migraines. i hate my life. it hurts. but its getting better. if i get anything else for meds will just make me sleep. its okay..i think it was just cause i was on my period. that might be why i got bad migraines. or at least thats what they tell me. dun dun dun. hahaha but yeah. so i hope thsts passed cause im off it now. la de da. its raining and i dont wanna go to class. shoot. but yes..yes..i have homework up the wazoo..what do i have..the health restoration care plan..etc etc..dang..gotta go do that happy valentine's day everyone!


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