Thursday, October 14, 2004

WOW today was a nice and full day. i woke up for microbiology lab and had time so i decided to get dressed. it was fun. then i went to mirco lab with katie!! haha i love that girl..then we went to lab and everyones lab results were messed up cause something about the autoclave..haha i spilled agar on the lab bench..haha!! then after the longest lab ever, we all went to lunch. katie regina and i all went to a nice lunch and i had a quesadilla and some other food and PEPSI. i love pepsi..okay anyways i also had ice was good, and all three of us..with me starting it of course..made art out of dallops of sour cream and ice cream..hahah!! art cream..haha. then i went to go get my weekly care plan so i could get an F on it =)..our teacher..crazy rose mccarthy said we would all get F's on our first one anyways. so i dunno. =) yeah then our group met in the library for health promotion. i decided..well..we all decided but i came up with the idea of doing out report on the AMISH. yes..the AMISH!! haha stroke of genius i know. i pulled that idea out of my ass..hah. then we all started talking about some like movie which i dont think exists cause regina brought it up. oh i also convinced katie to go to boat dance cause jen and apple and me and others are going. then we all went to health promo. BORING. me and katie wrote with our left hands all class and had an interesting conversation about some guy that used to lie me that told katie last year that i didnt like her..ggrr..but we made up..haha. but yeah me and katie were like why werent we friends last year???? hahaha it was crazy...then we went to go see her BF at the JV basketball game or something. but he wasnt there then we went to dinner and i ate with krys!!! WOOT ME AND KRYSTLE RULE!! then i convinced krystle to go to MJ I with me. haha it didnt even take that much..haha she missed it..i missed we went. it waas GREAT!! hella sweating, but it was fun and SO worth it. i loved it. and we couldnt stop babbling about it all the way home. and we wanted starbucks..but one was closed and another one we couldnt find parking..CRAP!! but oh well..then i cleaned in my room. and yeah. cant wait until tomorrow...


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