Wednesday, August 04, 2004

yesyerdat we went to wal mart and there was this guy with HELLA SHORT SHORTS ON!! OMG!! it was crazy!! and we were hella following him around laughing and trying to take pictures of him with my phone. OMG. i have pictures..hahahaha. only 2. but its damn hilarious. but yeah. today i went to dominican with krystle. i picked her up and we drove there. pretty uneventful. then i turned in all my papers and stuff. it was great fun! then we went to in-n-out. and then i dropped her off. then i went to pick up rino and we went to jaena's house. and i played with the babies. then i went home. and watched TV. dude..800 dollars wirth of books. and a nifty sweatshirt. i spent 1000 dollars today. go big spender. and i still have like 2 more books i need to get. gotta love me. damnit!! hella money..crap..okay..well..its been fun! read krystles if you want a more in depth account of my day. =)


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