Tuesday, August 03, 2004

hhmm..okay..im going to dominican on wednesday to drop off some forms for clinicals..like health forms and stuff..anyone want to go with me on an outing..feel free to come along!! yeah. so yeah. tomorrow..well..this morning i will have a doctor's appointment. at 8:30 AM what the hell for? i dont know. i think theyre going to tell me that i only have half a brain. wait, no..thats mary ann, my bad. so i got my grades for summer school. i got an A in speech, and a B in psychology, its okay..although i wish i had gotten an A in psych. well..can't win em all. i think i did okay. 6 units baby!!! hahaha. in your face lazy people who are lazy. yeah. sad i know. but so. i should be getting to sleep. nite


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