Friday, June 11, 2004 did i do? i woke up at hella early cause maryann was going to the movies..mind you this was at like 10:30 AM..way too early for any normal summer vacation..but anyways..then tepe took her to the movies..then she came back and we went to the mall to go and look for sunglasses at macy's. hoping we wouldnt see anyone we knew we dressed like scrubs..hahah..then we got bored and went to AE..i now know what i want to buy from anyways we went to everyone's second favorite pretzel place, wetzels..hahaha..and bought cheese dogs..they're really good, despite what people may say. then we went home and yeah. our front door doesnt work..hahaha it wont open, and no its not locked..and yeah..hahahaha..we were watching my mother's favorite show double agents, and there was this pretty lady with like a russian accent and a husband who was hella old and ugly..and tepe was like i wonder why she married him and i was like..uh..2 words..GREEN CARD!! and we were hella laughing. then when we were walking to the movie theatres my mom was like..christine..did you see me locking the car? and i was like, yes mommy you did. and my mom was like..oh..i always forget. and i said mommy! you have alzheimers!! and we started laughing. and my mom was like, no i dont, i just forget sometimes..then i said duh mommy..isnt that what alzheimer's primarily is??? and we all started laughing. OMG!! shrek is HELLA HELLA HELLA HELLA funny. my entire family watched it. we were laughing so hard i was crying!! im so gonna watch it again.


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