Thursday, June 10, 2004 what's happened since 5 hours ago? hhmm...well nothing. i took a some rather eye opening online journals..i think love does exist..and i did before i got together with gregory..and maybe if i thought i loved him, why cant you just let other people be? let them make their own mistakes..dont be such a downer. what if other people like being happy for fleeting moments in their lives? just cause maybe love doesnt exist is no reason to push away any feelings which may be masked as love. what kind of life would anyone live if they discredited anything they think is love. how old is a person supposed to be to know love? lots of peole fall in love at a young age and stay together. and when other people break up with people they used to love more often then naught they find someone new who the could or could not love. its called a learning experience. it might hurt, but then again, theres that whole notion of only being able to know good things because they feel better than bad ones. one failed relationship doesnt mean the entire concept of love is wrong. and some adults are just as stupid at what makes them better to understand or know love..i dunno..ive seen some really strong relationships broken up, but they still have the capacity to go out and try love for a different person. its just sad to think that person, who you think you hate or said you did could or did ruin you for the rest of your life, for the rest of the male population.


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