Friday, January 13, 2006

not bad..

well..yesterday i moved into my apartment at school, changed my schedule so i'll have clinicals in vallejo, had lunch with katie-kaleena-and chris, and had dinner and catching up with my roommate ashley. it was all okay. i even picked up my books from the bookstore and saw people i had never seen before going to my school. it was amazing. tiring, and completely utterly retarded. i just want school to be over with. i dont wanna do this stupid bullshit called school. its like, of all the parents i am born to, i have to be the one that cares about me finishing in 4 years and getting a good job. not that i dont love them, but they want me to be independent, but yet the wanna keep a short leash on me. its quite retarded. i am in such a bad mood. bad bad bad bad bad mood. you have NO idea. mothers are all just annoying arent they? and boyfriends just dont know when to you love and when to shut up. and sometimes rommates and their boyfriends just dont know when to calm down, sometimes they are a handful..and thats putting it lightly. it very well had better not be this way during the school year or i will go ballistic and move out. i will. back on campus. i dont care. i get really fed up. but im so tired of this and that, i think its just cause im in a huge bad mood. bite me okay. im allowed to get in a bad mood.
on the other hand, i got to play with my doggie molly today. my parent let her in while i was sleeping. shes not allowed inside a lot because im SO deadly allergic. but i kept my face away and petted her and played with her a bit, then i took a long long long shower. i also went shopping at old navy. i got slippers, a tank top, and long sleeve, and another tank top for free. how great. maryann is utterly embarassing. i dunno. im so moody perhaps i should go to sleep. school starts soon. dread the thought. i swear i'll get good grades this year. hahahahahha...yeah right..not with my schedule, my drama, my roommate, and my study habits. *sigh* dean's list and cum laude arent all that important...


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