Friday, June 17, 2005


i hate fighting with you. but it seems to be inevitable that we do, on a regular basis. so let's fight. and just hope we make it through it because we worked it out, and not because we just figure that we love eachother and it'll all work out because of our love. not because you think you love me and you think you want to be with me. but because you need to be with me. not because its comfortable and its whats been going on for the last 2 years, but because its the best for you. don't think you disappoint me, don't think im not happy. i hate it when you think that. don't think that you don' do enough for me because you do more than i thought you ever would, more than i could ask sometimes.
i want more, and if i dont get it from you so what. i'll live with it. nothing is perfect as you say. i want more you can't give it. you want less and i dont want to stop.
we'll figure someting out...


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