Friday, April 29, 2005


well. as another week begins to get closer to an end, i must say, this week sucked. hahaha. as do many other weeks. *sigh* lets recap crappy things that happened to me or i experienced, or whatevs. first of all..wonderful 75 on my test for hekka getting like a C+ in that class...sad. then we got housing finished, but it turns out that the room we wanted isnt even the room that we picked because all of the diagrams were wrong on the board. damn everyone. haha. but yeah we have wondifferous room 124 which is by bestest buddy katie's room now. so you know its a good room. sadly my bestest buddy will living off campus next sem but its okay cause we'll practically live together anyways. then uh. still have to get stuff for summer school cause if i wanna go yenno? i guess. but yeah. then i suck at all ATI tesing. ALL ATI TESTING!! i took the practice exams and got like..60's on all of them. it was way sad. then i have to finish my final for ethics. which i should have done HELLA DAYS AGO. but im lazy. its the last thing i ever have to do, paperwise. then home free and just needing to take tests..failures at life is what we all are. haha especially that guy at in-n-out. okay lets back track to tuesday. took the most crappy test ever..and yeah then mo and i talked for hours and hours about everything and we e-mailed dr. singleton to help me out with a minor. minor minor. all in due time. yeah then i went to class and it was the last class of our month of that combo. and it was sad cause i loved that combo...I WAS SO GOOD AT IT..i swear that dance was meant for my body. and the music. PURE GENIUS!! i love daisy. but my back hurts. its permanently contracted and it never relaxes..and and it clicks all the time. and ive been complaining about it for DAYS ON END!!! but whatevs. then yeah my back hurt during dance, but yenno how dance goes, have fun then when it hurts after complain about it!! haha oh dem, you taught us well. so me and krys were having a wonderful time. then yeah. ATI review and nothing else. then today i went to dance again only to be appalled at the SUCKY SUCKY people that were in our class. over 15 of us. and they all sucked. and it was new and we were taking so much time on it and i hate them all..ALL OF THEM. shoot. me. shoot. me. now. ASSUME THE POSITION...


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