Tuesday, April 19, 2005


la de da. so i am a ninja fish. yup. i just got back from driving adrian's dad to the Westin St Francis. its a nice hotel and we got mildly lost. and adrian almost killed my car. sad. but all in all, everything was okay. today was fun..tomorrow will be a bitch cause our pharmacology lecture outline is so so so so so so so so long. *sigh* yeah. nothing new has happened, i got all my classes cause we left in the middle of lecture to go register and then our teacher got mad and noticed we were gone and made us stay after...HAHAHAH...we hate you tina!! hahaha no not really. we hate that shes leaving us. sad sad sad why tina why?????? poor froshies now..who you guys gonna have next sem?? jeez. yeah hm. our ethics presentation went well. and our english class was canceled and yeah. im trying to get most of my homework done so that i dont have a crapload of stuff due in the next 3 weeks. only...16 days left of school...days days..like real school days..ONLY 2 CLINICAL CLASSES i hate clinicals, only cause its so boring. and its boring and boring and boring. so yeah..blah. 17 damn units next sem. not bad. not bad.


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