Friday, April 15, 2005


holy crap. whos hella lucky? me..thats right me. first of all that really hard pharmacology test that i did not study for..i got an A. not just any A..i got a 98!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn in your face people who think im stupid. yes thats right. im a semi genius when it comes to cardiac drugs..HAHAHA. but yeah. dance was fantabulous. i love it. i wanna startr a minor. i'll talk to mo. yeah so i burned the CD from daisy..i love her. shes so gorgeous. shes my idol..hahaha. but yeah. wonderful wonderful woman she is. so willing to teach a crack whore like me. haha not really. cause i swear i get it. i love her style. krystle will tell you i dont dance like daisy does, but its so fun..HAHAHAH. yeah. so. uh huh. nothing else is new. 3 weeks of school. THEN IM HOME FREE. gotta get a job. and do stuff...taking summer school maybe. hahaha. so yeah. i think im sick. im so tired. im burnt out. well gotta work on english. haha bye!


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