Tuesday, August 19, 2003

hhmm..i woke up at about 11ish in the afternoon cause yeah..went to sleep hella early..like at 4AM or whatever..but yeah..then i went to get ready to go more school shopping with christina..we always have fun..hahah cause we're retards..and i was telling her about my day..and whatnot..we went to Target and bought bunches of stuff..pencils..pens..staplers..and i wanted to get hella more stuff but i wasnt sure if i'd need it..so i'll wait til this weekend for my dad to set up my computer..and then get the stuff..then we went to wal*mart and got lip gloss..its this hella cool new one that jaena showed me..its called enticement..and its like an after coffee mint..i got clear..but my other one was sparkley..and i was like..hello..why does only 1 have glitter? ahaha..its actually called an after coffee lip gloss..it tastes like mint and smells like mint..and its hella cool and it works great..but didnt work so great last night..hahah..but whatever..my lip gloss is better than any chapstick..but its not like we're gonna be able to see..i dunno..stuff like that happens..like rarely like..once after awhile..i dunno..then we dont really talk afterwards..but we do..its like an understanding..its complicated..hahah..IM A MERMAID!! yeah found that pretty damn funny..and how i want to be a vegas showgirl..but i think id have to like get a breast augmentation..hahaha..but yeah..i love dancing in high heels..hahaha..but im not gonna be a sleezy one though..im gonna be classy..like that one burlesque stripper from way back..haha go american musical theatre..hahah..okay then we went to get McDonalds and went to christina's house to eat..then we watched freah prince..it was HELLA FUNNY!! dude..is there something wrong? *id dere somding wong?* hahahah..it was so funny..i guess you had to see it..but yeah..then i went home and watched roquel..whadda cutie...shes getting baptised this weekend..so if someone wants to pick me up from school so i can go and watch my little niece get baptised and pass out the party favors i made..call me..cause i'll love you for the rest of your..well..my..well whoever dies first..life..hahaha..yup yup..theni picked up my dad cause the jeep is stupid..stupid cars..nothing like an F250!! OMG i love that truck..extended cab..extended bed...4 doors..and yeah..so then when i got home i burned CDs for school..and cleaned tepe's car so she wont kill me when she gets home..i have a total of..2 small boxes..and 2 large suitcases..1 duffle/el bag and 1 TV..hahah...and thats not even with my computer..dude..okay we get a walk in closet..and our own bathroom for the 3 of us..cause we're at the end of the hall..but if we werent we'd have to share with 3 other girls..hahahah..its a coed dorm..and i swear that im not gonna go crazy like everyone says i will..i mean people..well..one person in particular says that im hella gonna go crazy and like be the rebellious one out of my sisters and i..but yeah..i guess i am already..hahah..but dont go like..tempting me..cause i need to study..only..11 hours left..until i leave!! people call me before i leave so i can give you my dorm number..hahah..please!! you can keep me company..dude one of my roommates is premed..and shes hella a volleyball player and shes hella smart..hella honors classes..crap..hahaha..okay..more in like..3 hours..


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