Sunday, November 19, 2006


Part of you wants to dig in your heels, but your intuition is telling you something different. Listen to it. Remain flexible, and you can take advantage of all the perks being offered to you -- and more. You are likely to be entering a more detached phase today, where birthday parties are less than interesting, a roller-coaster ride just doesn't seem like much fun, and a tear-jerky movie inspires a yawn. This isn't boredom, and this isn't depression -- you're just feeling less emotional about the world around you. Use this time to reexamine some touchy issues. You'll be able to get a new clarity about what you used to see through a fuzzy, emotional lens. Your partner may accuse you of being distant, but you're actually just trying to look at the situation from every angle. Reassure them that you're in just as deep as they are, and sweeten things a little later on.

blah. i see no connection whatsoever to this horoscope. i actually see quite the opposite. blah. lies.. all lies

baby shower today. fun. saw the family and the babies i love them so much. i havent seen them in so long. chelle has a best friend named hanna r. hahaha i love them. and i miss them. i can't wait until thanksgiving when we'll all be here together..finally. i needed a break from school. except that im pretty sure i may fail CHN. hahahaaha. thats okay. i don't really need my Public health Nurse's license when i graduate anyways. i totallt do not plan on being a PHN anyways. ahahaha. who does? watched the ultimate 3rd world country fight tonight. and it has been decided..filipinos are stonger then mexicans.. it was proven today. i swear. 3rd round..KO..puh-leez. it was so sad. haha but we won. it wasn't an interesting fight, but it was worth it. i wnjoyed it. i havent hung out with those guys in awhile. it was way fun being teased and called names like that again..hahah i havent been called christine for so many days now, its strange. hahah and they remembered some other names from WAAAAAAYYY back in the day. those guys are crazy...but don't worry..i won't tell anyone *wink*wink* hahaha. stupid retards.
got the john legend CD, the first one was better, but this one is way good too. i just love him unconditionally thats all. =)


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