Monday, November 13, 2006


my feet are cold and it is raining. i used to like the rain. then i started hating my boyfriend. if you knew me you'd know what a dramatic and sacrastic person i am, so you'll get it when tomorrow i type something nice. but today..nope. nothing doing. cause he;s a big jerk face that doesnt call but when he does call he's a self-esteem killer and is a huge driving slut or whore..whichever is more scathing..who will drive down to see anyone, that is if they're cute or good-looking. they don't even have to be his friends..he'll go anywhere to see your friends if they're cute. he's just one big ass driving slut...oh..and why should he bitch to me about driving to places when he would do it for free to see other girls? and he would leave me to see them too..why? why you ask? because he;s a huge driving slut. my sister's graduation party..he left to see some other girls..cause he's a slut..the night he asked me out..he left WITH those girls to go to their house to sleep over..cause he's a slut..he just is. he can't call me but if i were one of his guy friends he would call. but im he doesnt...but fat driving whore. i don't even feel special that he drives down to see me. i mean it is such a menial task for him, he'll do it for anyone. just ask. and you have to be remotely good looking too.

just to mkae him even more upset at me: he never does anything for me, never buys me anything or is on time or does things he says he will when he'e supposed to, he sleeps in and keeps me waiting and waiting, he doesn't think i deserve nice things, apparently because im a huge bitch or something. and bitchy people never deserve pretty things. oh and apparently im not "the rest of your life" material too, cause greg doesnt think so. i may have to rethink my priorities in life, cause im nowhere near number 10 on his...I AM SO OVER THIS BULLSHIT just be a good boyfriend okay? is that so hard? is it? apparently i ask for too much...but hey. i am a very decent catch in return...


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