Monday, September 04, 2006


so much has happened, i dont know where to start. well i went to seattle with my sister for 2 weeks, stayed on post, and spent lots of money. if you want to know more, just ask, too much to type.
started school in my new beautiful apartment, its been okay really, so overwhelming. im tutoring now and its so crazy. my schedule is so packed with cheer and everything. Cheer try-outs went okay i guess, they could have been better. im tutoring up the wazoo. i dont know. crazy, im so tired all the time. really, i dont know how im going to get all this work done. im so scared of failing.
luckily i got this weekend to re-group and rest. my puppy molly died this weekend, so i was so devastated. and crying and crying is all i did for 2 days. we went to see matt and i told my love phil to go to the party with us on sunday because i havent seen that hot hot man in some time. hahaha. so yeah. we went to the party and josh's parents house is so nice. and we went swimming and it was so much fun. around one i went home with phil ot stay the night. it was fun. we stayed up all night talking and swaping stories and secrets. *sigh* i love phil. phil is so wonderful and so cute and so so so cute, did i mention he's cute? and he has these glasses and he laughs so cute. *sigh* im so infatuated with him. he thinks im lying, but im really not. poor greg. hahahah. but phil and i had a good, no, great talk about everything like love, life, and everything. and greg is super jealous but we nuzzled. hahaha it was so cute. i think phil will be a wonderful boyfriend. poor greg. hahahaha. i dunno. phil and i are going to be best friends. it'll be great. well not for greg...


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