Monday, July 24, 2006

hot hot hot!

still hella hot...freaking sweating like theres no tomorrow, and if the heat keeps up, there won't be. gregory my love bought me the she's the man DVD and we all watched it, it was wonderful. hahaha HIGH-larious. man, i could watch that movie everyday. and i just might. dang, i have hekka clean laundry on my bed but its too hot to do any work putting it away. dangit. oh, my foot, was bitten by a radioactive mosquito and now my foot is the size of montana. yes, thats right, montana. okay, maybe like wyoming, but close to montana. and its SUPER itchy. ahahah. i saw my nephew ethan today, im baby sitting him on wednesday. im so excited. i love him to bits ans pieces. he's a shameless flirt. hahahaha. but with that smile and those eyes, who can resist?
speaking of not being able to resist, i love phil. hahaha. and greg knows it. what he doesnt know is that i have an evil plan of having them both, well phil more because we havent spent as much time together as we would have liked. muwahaha. (i hope greg doesnt read this but if you are reading this i love you beebee, and don't worry, i'll make sure phil treats me well! and we can still kiss and stuff, but i'll pretty much be phil's when im done with my wonderfully evil plan)
last week of summer school. EVERYONE and their momma cut class at break today. shady shady people. i did. i was shady. hahaha but i had to request transcripts and change my name, cause i got it wrong? hahaha. its really her fault cause that class is damn boring. and there are NO cute guys in my class. so im hella bored. writing letters to my love just isnt cutting it anymore. hahaha and he never writes back. anyways. so hot. im gonna take a nice cold shower. oo..shower..oo..cold..


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