Thursday, March 17, 2005


so you know that pharm test that was i said killed me? remember that one? well. last night our teacher e-mailed us saying that the grades were posted and that we should talk ot her if we needed ANY help because we realy only have like..3 more tests? haha 3 more. thats like..3 chances to bring up peoples abysmal grades.i was like..good..shoot. but i ended up passing the test. man when i went to blackboard and cliked grades i almost died. i was like. damnit im gonna have failed huh? cause i really didnt know anything. but wow. was i surprised when i got an 84!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats right! im not an idiot. i do know what metoprolol is. hahahaha. i started dancing around my room and everything. it was glorious. just glorious. i loved it. and i was so happy and stuff. now i have a 89 in that class. which i really need to keep up. sad. now i really need to study for my next test. hate my life. well i've been going to the gym everyday. except today. to work out. cause as the year passed i noticed i was getting LARGER!! that and stupid cody called me thick. what kinda compliment was that? not one. thats what it was. and yeah. so i feel fat. and my dad was always joking that i was fat and i should stop eating food. so i work out like..35 min a day. on the days i dont go to dance of course. those days i like am burnt out. i sweat so much in dance. its ridiculous. but at least im getting a work out. you cant depend on your metabolism forever gurls!! that fast food everynight is gonna catch up with you whether you like it or not. hopefully sooner than later for those people who just eat eat eat fast food. get a grip and take your figure into your own hands. makes me mad people who just eat and dont worry about their futures. obesity is just waiting to claim you!! you just wait. but yeah im happy cause well..i got a B on my test. i love me. go me.


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