Tuesday, October 19, 2004

when it rains it pours..

the longest days are the days that you have everything to do. today was no exception to having a shitload of things to do. first of all when i woke up at 7:45 this morning. it was raining so much and it looked like a good day to keep myself in my nice warm bed. and today would have been a perfect day to skip out on micro cause i had a pathology midterm later on that day. but no. i had to pick up my test. which i was sure i failed and listen to lecture. so i got up and proceeded to change for class...

when it rains really hard, its pouring..

luckily as i walk outside..it rains harder..and just as i begin to regret my deciscion of getting out of ber i see kaite quesadilla walking to class. this was good. we could be bored together. so we're walking the mile to class and we're getting soaked. great. then we get to class to find like..7 other people..out of like 30 that should be there. so the whole like 11 of us that ended up showing up have to listen to the most boring 2 and a half hour lecture about microbial growth and wait to get our tests at the end. my test..SUCKED. i was like yay. a 38. thats a C. thats okay..but like..i found out it was out of 53!!!!!!! so therefore i got a 71%. how stupid am i? im such a loser. oh well. shoot me shoot me now...

in addition to that great test score: i have to go back to my room and actually study or pretend to. so since it was cold i made some chicken noodle soup and ate it and talked on the phone. and slept. then we all went to lunch. YES GREGORY LUNCH CAN AND DOES CONSIST OF FRIES AND A QUESADILLA. then off to glorious pathology to fail 2 tests in a day..wow.. so i take the test..not TOO bad..whatever..horrible..i did not study i deserve a bad grade..but at least i admit it. haha. like if i studied a lot id feel bad. but i dont study..so negative feelings about low scores are minimal. so yeah then katie and i go to the library and run away from a creepy man haha. then back for lecture and off to my room.

sometimes you have to let them crash and then help pick up the pieces...

in my room i again 'study' aka talk on the phone with greg. and then i call krystle to pick me up and we're off. fun class today. stress relief from all those stupid asses mt my school yea some of us are stupid asses. i know i get bad grades. but like..i know some people in other majors and stuff studying HELLA HARD...supposedly..and getting crap ass grades in like stupid classes. but then again like..its not my responsibility to worry about others grades.

so now im studying..not really..i had spaghetti for dinner..mmm..good..


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