Sunday, March 02, 2003

so a little about me. my name is teeny. thats my happy name. people call me that when they're not mad at me of whatever. and im 17 and a senior at some private high school in hayward. im hecka filipino and by some miracle in heaven, i turned out to be 5'5" really tall for a filipino, and a girl!! this blog will be used to tell everyone in the world what i really think of them and their personality. but its also to show the world how much my life sucks. like today: wow well today sucked. i like how i got hella in trouble because no one called me. let's recap on whe happened. well i was supposed to see a dance concert today at 3 with the dance club (which really was just the people who are in guard and dance and are seniors and like our teacher and one girl's mom) which totaled about 7 people. so on friday, they were discussing the trip while we were all changing, i say they were discussing it because i really wasnt talkin, so anyways, our teacher was like hows christine getting there and my "friend" says oh she can come with me..i'll bring her, and im like okay i didnt say anything but whatever. so it's all decided and whatever so i'm like saturday passes and im like wow..okay tomorrow..i'll get a call..they'll tell me what the hell im doing..or what the hells going on right? so its sunday, i go to church, and its like 1:30pm and im like hey, i should probably call, so im all dressed to go..i got my money and stuff ready and i call the girl thats supposed to bring me, and shes home so im like, hey whats going on today? and she's like oh i dunno im not going anymore, and i was like tight..okay what happened? and she's like i got in trouble so i cant go. well okay so now im getting kinda scared, and i say what did everyone else do? and she said oh last i heard they're supposed to meet at our teacher's house at 1:15..even better i think to myself, its only about...1:40!!! so i'm like oh okay, and she says yeah sorry i didnt call you..hahah now im screwed. my parents arent home. i dont have anyone's number so i ask her for this other girl thats going's number, and she has another call so she says she'll call me back. then she calls back and is like okay heres her numbers, so it's useless cause they all left already so i have no fucking use for these people's numbers. then im completely screwed. so i go and tell my friend tiffany (who is probably the only one who is reading this) what happened. and yeah shes completely on my side, but its not like anytyhing will help because now our teacher can hate us both =) so i have nothing to do. and im sitting at home and at lik 3 pm, when the concert is supposed to start, i get a call. its my teacher. shes like we're here at the theatre why arent you here. and i can't say anything right? because i got nothing, im like well my ride, and she cuts me off and says "you didnt call anyone, you didnt contact anyone, this is so irresponsible, i cant believe you did this!! we were almost late because of still owe me $25.00 yadda-yadda-yadda..and it ends with an i'll talk to you on MONDAY!!!"..and by this time im like dying because im so fucking pissed off and im crying cause she swears i can handle her getting mad at me im forever on the brink of destroying myself and she knows it. no one can handle the problems i go through so i decide not to tell my friends cause they shouldnt have to handle my problems, so i leave my house and drive around, (after i got hung up on of course) and im crying and crying looking for some huge truck to run my car into, and i go to WAL*MART to buy stuff, and people are looking at me cause im crying, and its all great, so i call tiffy, and tell her..and everything's fine and stuff. tiffany's the best! and so after i talk to her i sti in my car and hella cry and can't wait to have my teacher yell at me so i can cry and withdraw even more and push me even closer to the brink of destroying myself and stuff its real great. and its not like i can tell my parents that im crying and crap so i wait til im not red, and i go in the house. and life goes on, we all hope. i cant wait for the day i blow up at everyone and run out crying and screaming..she can dock my grade or whatever, but i dont care cause i dont think this is my fault. do you think its my fault? please tell me if you do cause i dont wanna be thinking im all hecka right when im not. okay see you soon..


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